window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-206511945-1');

Booking Setup

Service Color #

This section sets the color of the service when booked on the appointment book.

  1. Go to Services in the main menu.
  2. Click on an existing service to edit.
  3. Click on the Appointments Setup tab.
  4. Click on Appointment Color.Color Picker
  5. Select the preferred color and click OK.

Booking Times #

This section dictates the default time that is set every time someone books the service.

Add/Edit Service Booking Times #

  1. Go to Services in the main menu.
  2. To add a service click Add New.

    or to Edit a Service, click on an existing service.
  3. Click on the Appointments Setup tab.
  4. Set the Total Time the appointment will take in minutes.

Booking in Multiple Parts #

A service can also be booked in multiple parts (Primary, Processing, Technical, Finishing). The difference between the parts is explained at Step 4.


  1. Go to Services in the main menu.
  2. To add a service click Add New.

    or to Edit a Service, click on an existing service.
  3. Click on the Appointments Setup tab.
  4. Enable Booked in Multiple Parts. Then Add Parts as required.

    • Primary: Is the main part of an appointment and is required. This is booked with the primary service providing employee.
    • Processing: When booked this part of the appointment is left open on the book to make room for something else to be booked in it’s stead.
    • Technical: This is a part that can be assigned to another employee, like an assistant. But this does not show up on the book.
    • Finishing: This time shows up on the book, and can be booked with someone other than the primary service provider.

Appointment Resources #

Appointment resources are used to represent a room, station, or tool that must be available for the client to be able to book in for a certain service. When booking a service with assigned appointment resources, the system will check the time slot of the assigned appointment resource to confirm that the time slot is available to be booked.

Add a New Resource #

Instructions on how to add another resource that can be selected in any service.

  1. Go to Services, then Resources.
  2. Type in the preferred resource name, and click the plus button.

Assign Resources to a Service #

This will allow you to assign resources to services. Which will limit the amount of those services booked in a certain timeframe, dependent on available resources.

  1. Go to Services.
  2. Click the Appointment Setup tab.
  3. Toggle Require Resource on. Then choose the resource from the drop-down.
  4. Additional resources can be selected by clicking the Add Resource button.
  5. Click Save.

Edit a Resource #

  1. Go to Services, then Resources.
  2. Click on the desired resource to edit. Then either change the name and save, or deactivate it.

Video - Appointment Resources #

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Updated on May 11, 2023