This is not tanning. Resources are used to pair a room, massage bed, or other required tool and its service together. For example: you may have 2 massage beds and a 60 minute massage service requires a bed to perform, so to avoid overbooking your beds, you create 2 massage bed resources and assign both as required for any massage service. Because those resources are required, only 2 massage services can be booked during any timeframe.
Create a resource #
- Click on Services on the main menu.
- Find and click on the Resources sub-menu item.
- Type in the name of your resource.
- Click the green + to add a resource.
Assigning a resource to a service #
- Go to Services on the main menu.
- Click on the service in the service list.
- Click on the Appointment Setup tab.
- Enable the Require Resource toggle.
- Click Add Resource.
- Select the desired resource from the drop-down.
- Repeat for additional resources required for this service.
- Click Save.
Note: The priority is the order in which the resource is assigned. Priority 1 being first, if no other assigned resources are booked for that timeslot.