window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-206511945-1');

Report Basics

Location of Reports #

  1. Click on the Utilities button on the main menu.
  2. Click Reports.

Run Reports in Detail Mode. #

This option allows reports to be run with much more information, generally at the expense of being much larger.

  1. Click on the Utilities button on the main menu.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Choose the preferred report.
  4. Toggle on the Detail report type.

Download a Report as a PDF #

  1. Click on the Utilities button on the main menu.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Choose the preferred report and run it.
  4. Click the Download button. The report should automatically go to the device’s download folder/storage.

Where to Find The Downloaded Report #

On  Windows

  1. Go to the Start button at the bottom-left.
  2. Type the word “Downloads”
  3. Select the Downloads folder.

On Mac

  1. Go to the search bar at the top-right.
  2. Type the word “Downloads”.
  3. Select the Downloads folder.

On an Apple Mobile Device

  1. Launch the Files app.
  2. Tap iCloud Drive.
  3. Select Downloads.

On an Android Mobile Device

  1. Launch the Files app.
  2. Select Downloads.

On a Chromebook

  1. Click on the Launcher in the left corner of your screen.
  2. Then select the Up arrow and go to Files.
  3. Open the Downloads folder.
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Updated on March 25, 2022